«To promote technological development, innovation and quality research»
This operation is financed by the Xunta de Galicia, through grants granted by the Galician Innovation Agency, within the grant program to the Deseñapeme company in its 2024 call.
File no. 02_IN848E_2024_828261
O obxectivo principal destas axudas é o reforzo do crecemento sustentable e a competitividade das pemes e a creación de emprego nestas, tamén mediante investimentos produtivos.
O resultado que se pretende acadar é posta en marcha de proxectos de dixitalización cuxa finalidade sexa a implantación de solucións para o soporte dixital de procesos dunha empresa ou para proxectos de interconexión dixital de procesos entre unha empresa galega e outras empresas ou entre dúas ou máis empresas galegas.
DeseñaPeme 2021. Aid for the incorporation of design in Galician SMEs and micro-companies as a tool for innovation and sustainability.
Subsidised by the Galician Innovation Agency.
This company participates in the Foexga Plan 2016-2017 Operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020.
As support to the process of internationalization, “Calor Color S.L.” has aid granted by the Xunta de Galicia through IGAPE to participate in the Plan de Fomento das exportacións galegas (Foexga) 2016-2017, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the ERDF Operational Programme of Galicia 2014-2020, OT3 Get a more competitive business fabric. A way to make Europe.
The main objective of the Foexga Plan is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalisation of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the number of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
This company participates in the Re-Acciona Programme, the result of which is to promote the growth and consolidation of PEMEs, improving their financing, technology and access to advanced support services.
As support to the internationalisation process, this company, Calor Color S.L., has aid granted by the Xunta de Galicia through IGAPE (Galicia Exports Programme and Foexga Plan 2016-2017) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme of Galicia 2014-2020, OT3 Achieve a more competitive business fabric. A way to make Europe.
This company was the beneficiary of a grant from the Igape Galicia Exporta Empresas programme. The main objective of this aid is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalisation of Galician SMEs. The result is to increase the number of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Union. Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020. Achieving a more competitive business fabric. A way of making Europe.
This company is participating in an internationalisation project through the Igape Plan Foexga 2017-2018 programme. The main objective of this aid is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalisation of Galician SMEs. The intended result is to increase the number of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.
Operation co-financed by the European Union. Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020. Achieving a more competitive business fabric. A way of making Europe.